Our good customer Marty Buth is an active drag racer holding the Official Class National Record in N/SA (Stock Automatic) in his Mustang – 111.51mph / 11.39ET for 1/4 mile. Marty is also a disciplined statistician. He tracks dozens of aspects of each race as well as his engine performance – with the goal of constantly adjusting to conditions for a competitive edge.

Colberg’s recently ran every moving part of Marty’s engine through Micro Blue. There were no other mechanical changes. 

DATE                                         8/9/2014  6/5/2016
ET                                             12.539        12.449
MPH                                         103.71        105.18
Corrected HP                           258             268
HP Correction Factor             1.05846      1.05741
Density Altitude                      2460           2034
Vapor Pressure                       0.765          0.532
Uncorrected HP                      243.75        253.45



The results are clear.

Micro Blue Sometimes Even Surprises Us.During research and development of our new MaxThrottle and FullThrottle racing fuels we really hammered a test engine.

The Hot-Farm Class International DT466 we used for testing went through 165 full on Dyno runs and roughly 50 on-the-track races. Month-after-month.

We had Micro Blued every moving part before we started testing our new fuels.

After all that battering, we completed a tear-down out of fear of a catastrophic failure knowing the pressure we had put on the motor.

To suggest we were surprised would be an understatement. The Micro Blue parts show negligible wear. In fact, many of the key components are going back in the engine.

These are actual bench photos. They have not been corrected or modified – they are as they came out of the engine.

Micro Blue. Truly amazing.

Find Out If Micro Blue Is Right For You.  Call Us Today.